Home - Sharon Ghanimé

From a very young age, I always found an importance in connecting the physical body with the mental and spiritual bodies. My self-disciplined and persistent nature ultimately drove me to explore the journey of Yoga. I was first introduced to Yoga in 2010 while juggling a full-time corporate job and studying for my MBA. I found in the practice a sanctuary and an escape from the many anxieties, stresses, and demands of this fast-paced world… I was returning to the essence of my true self.

After regularly practicing for a few years and still focusing on building my corporate career, I hit a wall in 2014 that shook me at my core and awakened something in me. That was my turning point. (I stopped for a moment to reflect upon my life and on what brings me joy, power, and stability?). So, I booked a ticket to India to pursue my 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training from Trimurti in Goa and upon my return, my Yoga teaching journey immediately began in Beirut, my hometown. It was then and there that my teacher granted me my spiritual name ‘Shakti’. Today, I hold ‘Shakti’ close to my heart and live up to all the divine attributes she cultivates. 

Immersed in the Ashtanga method, I revisited India in 2015 to complete my 300 hrs Advanced Teacher Training and now travel yearly to Mysore to study at the source of Ashtanga Yoga, Sharath Yoga Center. Ashtanga Yoga as a spiritual practice, science, lifestyle, and philosophy freed me from suffering and offered me continuous healing on so many levels…even in life’s most difficult moments.


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  • "I’ve really been feeling the difference since I started practicing with you and not just on a physical level so thank you. Grateful for your guidance."
  •  “What a beautiful closing. It calmed me down after the back bending which brought up a mixture of fear and me wanting to cry. Thank you for this practice and release.”
  • “Sharon, there are people and voices I’ve been looking for my whole life. Thank you for appearing. Today felt like an alchemy. Forever grateful.”
  • “You have left me with a body, mouth and heart filled with love. And your voice lives inside my ears. Humbled! There’s an outpouring of love felt for you Sharon.”
  • “I’m going through an existential crisis after your classes haha! We never know how much tension our body holds until we start releasing it.”
  • “No words can express how grateful I am for this weekly routine. Your encouraging voice is constantly following up on my progress. Thanks for everything. Couldn’t have made it this far without your guidance….and still have a long way to go!”
  • “With everything going on lately, I always come out of the practice with a lighter heart. Thank you for facilitating the release of a mixture of emotions (always tears in your class) and for your wonderful energy.”
  • “Namaste, to me you are and always will be the personification of Ashtanga Yoga. Thank you for connecting us against all odds. Love you.”
  • “I can’t believe I still get amazed from the feelings your classes induce after 1 year of practicing with you 3 times a week. Always fresh, with so many epiphanies and releases. I love you, thank you.”
  • “You have no idea how scared I was of standing up ever since I did my first drop back. Thank you for guiding me through and pushing me towards trusting myself a bit more. You are giving so much! May you be blessed with whatever your soul most desires.”